

St Andrew’s Ladies Hockey Club (SALHC) originated from St Andrew’s Church, South Brisbane in 1923 and is reported to be the equal oldest women’s hockey club in Queensland (University Club was also formed in 1923). The origins of our Club are reflected in our club colours and badge. The original club colours were pale blue (taken from the flag of Scotland), dark blue and white. The white diagonal cross of St Andrew is displayed as part of the crossed sticks on our badge.


“A meeting of the Women’s Hockey Clubs of Brisbane was called on 23 March 1923 in the Normal School with the object of forming a Queensland Women’s Hockey Association” – AND SO IT BEGAN. 

The following cut has been taken from the original minutes of the first meeting in 1923-

The original minutes show in the title the term ‘Ladies’ changed to ‘Women’s’, and the aims as – “(a) To promote a living interest in the game in Queensland (b) To improve the standard of play (c) To encourage and maintain a true sporting spirit in our University, Schools and other public institutions”. Representatives to the Association were drawn from the seven competing Teams: University State High St Andrews Federal Taxation

You can read more of the history of women's hockey in Queensland on the Hockey Queensland 'Of The Past' page -

Hockey Queensland- Of The Past

Our Club was formed by women and run by women for women and this objective remains strong 100 years later. Our Mission Statement “To promote hockey as an enjoyable and competitive sport for females of all ages and ability levels” reflects the intent of our foundation members.

St Andrew’s Hockey Club Members 1923

Back Row:- R Honnibal, R Dendle, C Clarke

Third Row:- S Roberts, W Vowles, M McNevin, K Crane

Second Row:- A Brew, V Nairn, N Irwin, M Howitt, G Gilmore

First Row:- N Kerr, F Campbell (Vice-Capt), D Huxham (Capt No1 Team), L Bell (Capt No2 Team), P Hansen (Secretary and Founder), P Buckland

In Front:-  M Clark, B Hunter (Goalkeeper)

Absent:- M Jarva, E Rose, M Blumberg, G Smith, J Backert, S Howitt, E Rollinson, E Bytheway, G Gilroy, E Sully, C Sully, J Bachert


The members of SALHC set the benchmark from the very beginning. Not only were they keen to play hockey, but they also volunteered for many roles to support the development of our sport in Queensland. They took on roles such as umpiring regular fixtures, umpire development and testing, coaching and administration roles including fundraising and organising social events. It was reported that one of our members “gave practical demonstrations and explained the scientific side of hockey”. The women were also athletic and competitive and were the Premiers in 1923. 

The blueprint for a successful club was set and our motto of loyalty, dedication, perseverance, and friendship was certainly entrenched from the beginning. These qualities build camaraderie which is a feeling that can’t be explained until it is experienced. 

In 1984 Saints entered a team into the Masters Competition to retain and re-engage older members who preferred to play against women of their own age. A further addition of members came about in 1986, when the Junior Division of The Club was formed. Club growth and success continued. 

For our 80th year celebration in 2003, Club Captain Jan Hadfield reflected on the 1980s. Her words were:- This was a decade of success throughout the Club – each year brought new premierships and individual achievement but throughout it all the dominant concept remained the same – we all played for Saints and win or lose we all celebrated together – we were “bonded” in a way that would be difficult today – we trained together, had club functions together, watched each team together and remained loyal & proud of our traditions as members of St Andrews.

Today, SALHC fields teams in the Brisbane Women's Hockey Association in junior turf, junior grass, senior turf, senior grass and masters. Teams range from under 7's to opens.

Let’s hope we can again come together in 2023, our 100th birthday year to support, bond, celebrate and show loyalty and pride in the traditions of St Andrew’s Ladies Hockey Club – OUR CLUB

Platinum Sponsors
Premise Engineering
Broncos Leagues Club
Gold Sponsors
RHP Physiotherapy
Calibre Real EstatePhone 07 3367 3411
Apple Dental
Brett Whalley & CoPhone 07 3847 2199
Silver Sponsors
Bank of Queensland Victoria PointPhone 3383 6700